Sunday, July 8, 2007

This is a shot of our language group. Every morning we study at our host home with a Kenyan language tutor for several hours before working on our technical skills. From left to right are: Nate, Jennie, Hannah and Simon, our instructor. I shot this photo on our first week of training, in the front yard of our host families garden.

Our host family brothers took us to a nearby rock, where legend has it, running around seven times actually changes your sex. You can't tell from the photo, but Jennie and I actually switched places. From left to right are: Nick, Jennie, Dixson and Joseph. At some point the town erected a set of metal stairs to climb to the top. They were the most harrowing part of the entire experience, but the view was well worth it!

Besides being really community oriented, and incredibly hard working, the local government have a great sense of humor. We happened upon this chiefs office while meeting with a local youth group and had to get a photo.


Anonymous said...

Great photos, Nick and Jennie. It was good to see your faces and to see some of the people you have spoken about.

Stan and Carol

Margo said...

Although I'm pleased to see you in good health & spirits, and that you're working with people who have a healthy sense of humor (suggestion/corruption box); I have to ask - did they tell you *before* they had you run around that rock, or *afterwards* about the gender switch? I mean, is this one of the hazards of the region, like hippos and crocodiles, that we'd need to watch out for if we come visit you?

Anonymous said...

Hey, Nick--I think it is GREAT that you and Jennie switched genders--if you stay switched, you may get to experience wonderful gender-specific events like pregnancy and childbirth. Now that is what I call true love!

Love you guys!
Carol (aka "mom")

Unknown said...

Hi you guys, I loved the photos. Nice to see you really are somewhere. Tough about the gender change but as one comment said now you too can have a go with childbirth! Whee!!! Keep working on the language. It'll all come together after awhile. All is well here. Lousy weather but everything else is ok. Keep the photos coming! Much love to you both, Hazel

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comments everyone! Nick and I will try to post more pictures in the near future.

Keep checking back....and posting!

Love, Jennie and Nick

69piper said...

We love keeping up with you through your blog. It is a great idea even though you are shameless in your pandering for chocolate and goodies (just kidding). Take care and stay away from goat.

Dad (69piper because my plane is a 1969 Piper)

Anonymous said...

George the boy emperor has consulted with his spiritual advisor, Karl Rove and he does not approve of gender switching. George is also impressed by the number of African/Americans who live there.


Norman the Anonymous